New publication about textiles from Egypt.

“MÖTEN Textilier från oasen Siwa med omnejd, Egyptens västra öken” by Kazuyo Nomura and Christina Rinaldo, written in Swedish.

It is mainly about the textiles from the Berber people in the Siwa Oasis and the Bedouins in the western desert, Egypt.

In Egypt, there is still a strong handicraft tradition, in the crowds of Cairo, in remote villages and sand-coloured oasis. Textile handicrafts in Egypt live on from antiquity to the present in everyday life and feast of the Egyptians.  Christina Rinaldo is a former senior lecturer in handweaving at the School of Textiles in Borås, and Kazuyo Nomura is a textile artist, handweaver. We had previously worked with analysis of Pharaonic textiles in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo in the late 1990s. We continued to study textiles in mostly the western desert area of Egypt. We have made many trips over the past decades.

A number of the textiles from the Siwa Oasis in the book are Rinaldo’s gift to the World Culture Museum, some of them I present on this website.

Book info:

ISBN 9789151954028

Swedish 63 pages

Copyright: ©2020

The book is for sale at:

the Mediterranean Museum store in Stockholm.
